About Keystone Science

Hey there, friend! I'm Alyse, the science-loving brain behind Keystone Science. I've got a passion for science that drives everything I do.

My journey to Keystone Science wasn't always smooth sailing. I started out as a teacher, but after a few years of feeling unsupported and stuck on a teaching island, I had to walk away from the classroom. But that didn't stop me from continuing to create engaging resources and fun ideas for other teachers to use with their students! In fact, it was my time away from the classroom that gave me a unique perspective on teaching and a toolkit for balancing the teacher life.

Fast forward a few years, and I found myself back in the classroom as a biology and chemistry teacher. I was so excited to apply my experience from the STEM industry to help inspire the next generation of scientists. And thus, Keystone Science was reborn!

My mission with Keystone Science is to make science exciting, approachable, and easy to teach. I create resources that are inquiry-based, student-led, and applicable to real-world scenarios. Teaching science to teenagers can be rough, but with Keystone Science on your side, you'll be able to help your students navigate the STEM-based world with confidence.

I'm thrilled to have you here on my website, and I hope that my resources and ideas can help you achieve your teaching goals and inspire your students. So come on, let's make science fun together! Check out one of my channels below and let's start this journey.